Once upon a time...
The story behind Hemponade
The original Hemponade – hemp lemonade story started in 2018 by a two friends jumping into a truely innovative, stepping across borders start-up story. An enthusiastic team of young experts with a small budget but a big dream to make real food and bring only that to the commercial shelf.
The best tasting and highest quality hemp lemonade you can buy is just the start, as our ultimate mission is to be your source of natural pure hemp food and support you become the happiest and healthies you.
The Hemponade credo
Who we are
We are a visionary, young and hard working, optimistic team, full of ideas, always independent, authentic and honest. Our headquarters are in Munich. We support each other every day, are not afraid of difficulties and ready to cross borders. Our original idea was to use the hemp plant as a whole. Wasting nothing is part of this consideration. We are concerned with preserving all the valuable ingredients of hemp for our product. Based on this holistic approach, we came up with the idea of pressing our hemp crop cold and without any chemicals. The valuable juice that is created is the basis of Hemponade. It ensures an incomparable, new taste. This is how Hemponade came into being, the world's first lemonade made from cold-pressed hemp juice.
We work with high moral standards towards our environment and ourselves while focussing on what’s most important: Our mission.