Our philosophy
and brand values

Drink good,
be happy.

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Hemponade is authentic

100% taste,
0% artificial flavors

Hemponade is always genuine, both in taste and production. We use the original hemp juice as basis for our hemp lemonade and completely renounce genetic engineering and preservatives, or artificial flavoring. We make sure to satisfy your thirst for authenticity as well as the genuine refreshment of life.


Hemponade is ecological

Hemp heals the soil

By cultivating the green crop hemp we contribute significantly to the natural improvement of our earth. Hemp is one of the most ecologically favorable, most productive and thus the most agriculturally beneficial crops. It is very robust and resistant, eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides. The workload is comparatively low and it offers a profitable extension of the crop rotation while improving the soil structure.

Hemponade is innovative

Think different

In the chase for innovation we have succeeded in making the raw material hemp available to you as a delicious food. Hemponade is the result of new thinking and development in the food industry and has become a true beverage innovation. The result: An authentic, refreshing & 100% tasty drink for happy people.

Hemponade is sustainable

In the small and in the big one

Not only the cultivation of our precious ingredients such as hemp is sustainable, but also the simple and obvious things in our actions. So we fill our precious lemonade exclusively in glass and use universal deposit boxes. Cycling to the office makes not only us but also the environment a little bit happier every day.

Drink good - be happy